Soulwinning Script

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

My nephew has been on drugs, in and out of jail and prison for the last 14 years. I have witnessed to him many times with no result of him turning to Jesus. I told my mom 2 weeks ago that I believe it would take a stranger to win him to the Lord. July 3, my mom got a phone call and she handed me the phone, it was my nephew. I was surprised since he has been in jail since October 07. He violated his parole from prison by getting caught with drugs. He plead guilty to that charge last month and he was suppose to serve 2 years. All of a sudden the probation officer did not violate him and he was released July 3. As my nephew talked with me, the Lord told me to read him the soul winning script and he gave his heart to Jesus. On Monday, July 7, he had to see his probation officer in West Virginia and that probation officer did not violate him, my nephew could have went back to prison for 2- 18 years. I just got off the phone with my nephew and he is going for a job interview tomorrow. He had joy in his heart, I could hear it when he laughed. He is very aware that it is God who spared him from going back to prison and he knows that God has given him another chance. Thank you for the soul winning script.

Barbara C
Damascus Maryland United States