Matters of the Heart

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The teachings on matters of the heart this past week were amazing. Pastor Adonica gave a solid teaching on some of many issues dealing with the heart. It is ironic, but God was already speaking to me about things taught in these classes even a month ago. The teachings confirmed what I was feeling I needed to deal with. One of the main things that was reinforced to me was the importance of keeping my flesh under control. For me it can be so easy to react to situations in your flesh, whether that means saying hurtful things or taking the path of least resistance. I was so encouraged to press into the Word and learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice. Sometimes it can be difficult to discern whose voice is saying what – am I yielding to my flesh, or is God speaking to me? Pastor Adonica addressed this very situation by saying that what our conscience and the Holy Spirit lead us to do, will always line up with the Word of God. Another thought that struck me was that how I treat others is how I view God! If my heart is impure, then in every circumstance around me I will only notice that which is also impure. It is like that quote from the Disney movie Pollyanna: “If you look for the bad, you will surely find it.” That explains why if I wake up with a grumpy attitude, everything will seem to go wrong that morning. It is so important to keep renewing your mind to the Word of God. If, however, my heart is pure and my mind is in line with the Word of God, then everything I do will flow from that pure heart motive, and I will not even have to worry if am following my conscience or my flesh. A final thing that the Holy Spirit showed me was the necessity of repenting of sin as soon as it is committed instead of waiting and trying to cover it up. Sin only leads to more sin. However, even if we do sin, that does not mean that we keep giving into our flesh because that is our “weak spot”. God showed me that he has given me the power to over come the whims of my flesh. Jesus was 100% man and tempted in every area just as we are. Therefore, if Jesus could conqueror his flesh, I can do the same! Moreover, I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me. Through Christ, I am more than a conqueror. Thank you Jesus!