Hannah H. testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I have had the privilege to work in Kids’ Church for the past two years and what I have seen God do is truly astounding. All different types of kids come in with all different kinds of needs. Many of the kids come from home where their parents are struggling to get along, or maybe they do not even have two parents and are being raised by their mom or grandparents. These kids, more then anything, need the love of God and that is exactly what they experience at Kids’ Church. The power of God falls every Sunday and presence of the Holy Spirit touches the kids. Even during worship, kids start crying as they are touched, and even more then touched: they are changed. Many testimonies have come in from different parents who say, “I can see a difference in my child. Something has changed inside of them.”

These kids will change this generation and help usher in the fire of God. There are pastors, evangelist, teachers and preacher who will come from Kids’ Church.

I know that these kids’ live are being impacted for eternity and they will never be the same because of the Word that they receive and the presence of God that they experience.

They pan the sidelines. I remember the days when he used to be there on the sidelines with all the antenna sticking up out of the head, and all the guys in the back are saying, “Hi mom” or they flash the audience.